18 Remote Job Interview Questions You NEED to Answer

27 de novembro de 2020

Hiring managers want to see that you have a plan for how to untangle them when they do. Look, technology connects people and makes it possible to work on a team without ever seeing them IRL, but sometimes it requires some special finesse. Chat doesn’t always convey tone, and sometimes wires get crossed. Marie says to classify your to-do list with “I” and “U” for important or urgent tasks and do the important ones first. You always finish urgent things on time anyway because they’re urgent! So, make the most of your brain power and use your energy on the important things.

  • Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty was the book I was reading at the time and League of Legends and Mobile Legends were the games.
  • That’s why this question is a common one in work from home interviews.
  • Or, you could say that you’ve been wanting to make a career change into sales and their position seemed like a great first step to learning sales (if you’re interviewing for an entry-level role, of course).
  • What they want  to understand is your ability to see the necessity of meetings to decide the frequency.
  • Interviewers are trying to determine if you’ve done your homework about the company and why you’ve applied to this particular role.
  • I don’t expect I’ll go back to traditional in-office employment any time soon.

However, things like not being able to disconnect after working hours because of the virtual nature of the work can become problematic for some. While answering this one, keep in mind that you don’t just have to blurt work from home experience out a number for the sake of it. Instead, the frequency needs to be a practical one that is necessary for the nature of work you’re in. So they’ll ask about your ideal company culture or what culture you prefer.

Top 10 Must-Have Remote Work Skills

While answering this question, it is great to show a keen interest in remote work even if you haven’t worked from home before. You can do so by answering your interview questions while keeping an energetic and cheerful disposition. Not all candidates make great remote workers, so the person interviewing you will be paying careful attention to how you respond. When interviewing remote workers, the interviewer will likely start off by asking each candidate to talk a bit about themselves.

describe your experience working remotely

And when it comes to being the “right fit” for a remote job, it’s not so much about measuring up as it is about knowing how to make yourself the most productive and fruitful version of yourself. And it just so turns out that knowing yourself is ALSO the key to success in an interview for a remote job. Without your boss walking by and the office manager checking your timesheet, it’s up to YOU to get your work done. That means you need to be an absolute pro at managing https://remotemode.net/ your time, prioritizing tasks, and communicating with your boss and coworkers. Don’t get me wrong – jobs like those have done their part in making it possible for more of us to earn a living without driving to a traditional office every day. Do you remember the days when selling Avon, entering data into spreadsheets, and answering customer service calls were the only options for people who wanted to work without spending 40+ hours a week at the office?

How Good Are You At Time Management and How Do You Organize Your Work?

You can also rely on your experiences so far — especially if you’ve been working from home for a while now. When you answer this, let the company know what remote working superpowers you’ll be wielding, or what amazing experience you have that will make you EXACTLY the person they need on their team. Still others might be geographically challenged (that’s me!), as in, you live in a place that makes it geographically impossible to work in the job you want.